Saturday, January 31, 2009

Alex's First Haircut - January 31, 2009

Emotions ran high at Alex's first haircut. Things started out fine.

Hey - I'm cool. I got this haircut thing down.

Maybe not so much . . .

But Mommy thinks it's okay.

John was working fast and focused

Let me check with Daddy.

Alright. I'm cool again.

And I'm even more handsome than before (tough to pull off)!

Thank goodness that's over!

Thank you to everyone at American Hair in White Plains for making this so much fun!


and waving bye bye!

A Visit to Aunt Nola & Uncle Don in SC

We flew South for Alex's first visit to Aunt Nola & Uncle Don's house in South Carolina

Alex showed off his brand new crawling skills

Crawl, crawl, crawl . . .

. . . then turn around and make sure everyone is watching!

Our Little Charmer - January 2009

Here's Alex rocking his super-cool Batman shirt and the hat that Thea bought him for Christmas

Aunt Michelle knows Alex is truly a rock star (like his daddy)!

But Alex is also proud of Daddy's day job . . .

Friday, January 2, 2009

The New Year's Cake Controversy

The Annual Christian Family Tradition, the Vasilopita with the lucky dime. Uncle John was up to his old tricks cutting the cake.
Everyone was very excited, including Stacey who was going for her third year in a row.

It's Alex's first year and here he is with his piece...

which seemed to be missing a large chunk!

And here's the piece next to his which seems to have the complementary extra large chunk.

But who's neighboring piece had the dime? Was it the House or was it the former youngest member of the family?

And the winner of the annual lucky dime is Jackie!! Best Wishes to Jackie and the whole family in 2009!!!!



From the best dressed baby in town.

The DePippo and Zervas Families partied it up on 2009's First Night.
Alex, Charlie and Caroline were so happy to see each other.

Caroline was the Belle of the Ball of course!