Sunday, September 7, 2008

Playing Catch Up

I know, I know . . . the blog is way out of date. But did you notice when it slowed down? Mommy had just returned to work. So, that's my excuse. Instead of sitting at my computer at work all day and then coming home and sitting in front of the computer in our basement each day, I wanted to spend some quality with my little, smiley, drooling baby boy. But, since I don't want to send out emails all the time with lots of pix of the boy, it's my responsibility to keep this thing up to date. So here's the deal. I'm going to try to get the site up to date by the time Alex is six months old. Which is 17 days from today!!!! I've definitely got my work cut out for me but Daddy did his part. He set me up with a wireless Internet connection so that I can work on the blog on our laptop while watch Brett Favre's first game on the Jets while Alex naps or struggles to roll over on the floor. But enough from me. You just want photos anyway!

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